The Lone Star State of Texas is the second largest state in the United States, with the largest extensive road network in the country. More than 13.5 million drivers sharing the roads at any given time. If you do not know how to drive smart in Texas, you need a Comedy Defensive Driving course.

It is every driver's responsibility to drive smart and safe in the state of Texas. That means you must share the road, not only with vehicles that are driven by smart drivers, but with aggressive drivers and drivers of large trucks. Sometimes driving near an aggressive driver or a large truck can be a bit unnerving. In addition, to other drivers on the roads you need to be able to smartly and safely drive on the highways, in work zones and over railroad crossings.

This may all seem simple to you, however, one wrong move and it can be devastating that is why The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), has a campaign called Be Safe. Drive Smart. This campaign was not the result of a bunch of bored men and women sitting around the transportation department one day, it was created because it needed to be! In 2013, there were 7,861 car crashes that resulted in serious injuries in addition to 603 fatalities. If those statistics are not a good enough reason to take a Defensive Driving Texas course then you should probably be using the mass transportation system.

Aggressive Drivers

Aggressive drivers are dangerous and pose a potential threat to all drivers on the road or highway near them. Aggressive drives will tailgate, pass you on the wrong side of the road, "push" you to drive faster on the highway and cut you off.

How Not to Become an Aggressive Driver

  • Keep your emotions under control
  • Don't take your annoyance to yourself, don’t take it out on other drivers
  • Plan ahead and look at the traffic maps online before you leave home and allow enough time for any delays
  • Don’t worry about what other drivers are doing, keep your focus on your own
  • Pounding on the horn or cussing at other drivers isn’t going to make the traffic go any faster

Tips to Avoid a Danger Caused by an Aggressive Driver

Be a cautious and considerate driver. Do not create a situation that may aggravate another driver.

  • Don’t honk your horn, it is not going to help
  • If your sitting in a lane and another driver wants to turn or pass you, let them
  • Don’t flash your lights, blast your horn or tailgate you’re only going to make an already an aggressive driver even more aggressive

Do Not Confront an Aggressive Driver

  • You will only make things worse
  • Avoid eye contact
  • Don’t swear at them, make obscene hand gestures (yes, you the one!) or make inappropriate faces at them

Stay Safe on the Highway

Always follow the speed limit and drive appropriately for the weather conditions. Follow the posted signs if you're driving under the speed limit keep to the right. If you want to pass use the passing lane.

Safety Tips for Sharing the Road With Large Trucks

It is very important for drivers to share the highway responsibly with Semis and other large trucks.

  • Pass Safely - Don’t ever cut a large truck off. After you safely pass the truck make sure you can see the entire truck in your mirror and be sure to get a few car lengths 4 car lengths is recommended) ahead of the truck if possible. Trucks need more room to stop, if necessary.
  • Stay out of the trucks, four blind spots - see where they are located here - four large blind spots , they are called "No Zone"
  • Do not tailgate a truck, only inexperienced drivers or fools would even consider that.

Safety Tips for Driving in a Work Zone

Every year in Texas, there are roughly 15,000 accidents and more than a hundred people are killed in highway construction and maintenance zones. The majority of fatalities are drivers, driving through the work areas. Don’t become a statistic, follow the safety tips below.

  • Slow down
  • Pay attention
  • Be patient
  • Plan ahead

Safety Tips for Railroad Crossings

I can assure you the one moving vehicle you do not want to be hit by is a train! When you approach a railroad crossing slow down, look and listen.

  • Slow down when approaching a railroad crossing, look both ways before continuing on
  • Turn down the radio and listen for a train
  • If the lights are flashing and if the arms have been lowered, stop
  • Do not stop on the railroad tracks (a train going 50 miles per hour needs a mile and a half to stop)

A Defensive Driving Texas course can be beneficial to all drivers, including the ones who don’t think they need it.